I'm definitely recognising myself in Neeti as an INFJ. My partner also has ADHD which adds a whole new layer of complication to our interaction! As a healer and spiritual counsellor myself, I had to avoid the trap of becoming the couples therapist for us! Having an objective third person guide us through communication with each other has been so helpful. It's important for people to know that relationship challenges are normal, and part of being human. Thank you for your candid sharing.

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I love that you've recognised yourself in Neeti! It's been a really fun experience diving deeper into 'the many voices' inside his mind. We often joke that we are each other's therapist. Not in the sense of diagnosing or fixing anything, but similar in a way that Carl and Emma Jung saw it - as mirrors, guiding each other toward deeper self awareness. No one sees us clearly than the person we share our life with. It's hard to lie to an INFJ as you probably know!

But that said, I also see how invaluable an objective third person can add to the reflection process.... sometimes we are 'too blind' to see our own patterns.

Thanks so much for sharing... I'd love to hear more about how your INFJ-ADHD dynamic has played out in your relationship. I just always enjoy reading other INFJs in relationships!

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I’m an INFJ too, just like Neeti 🙂. I’ll make sure Yelly retakes the test. And with you being an ENFJ, it must be great to have that balance of shared values and your natural extroverted energy. Looking forward to catching up with you about this topic. 😍

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Tam, I didn't realise you're an INFJ too. It's incredible that our pair is an exact match! I was presenting this idea to the community and someone mentioned that INFJ-ENFJ relationship is a 'mirror' relation. Like, our first four cognitive functions are the same (Ni, Fe, Ti, and Se) but just in different order. https://wikisocion.github.io/content/mirror.html

I thought it was interesting - especially this part "words of one partner are often reflected in actions of another: that which one mirror partner is passively thinking about, the other is actively actualising."

Can't wait to catch up with you guys this weekend! ♥️

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