Chusana, love your take on dark psychology. People think that one might study it to become better at the dark triad, but actually it is meant to better understand and improve ourselves as well as not fall into the trap of people taking advantage on us. I am very much on the same page here. Greetings from Vilniuis.

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Thank you so much, Tomas. I love that you have taken it as intended. I am very much in the camp of "embracing all the feels" especially the 'darker' ones that truly surprised you. And yes, to be able to spot it in others is a life skill I think everyone should continually refine.

I think of the human mind like a computer software. It's prone to viruses (e.g. biases, influences) so we constantly need new upgrades (e.g. knowledge) and clear out any technical debt we have picked up along the way (e.g. unlearning). And greetings from Bangkok! (I had to google Vilnius just now - capital of Lithuania!! Your city is absolutely gorgeous.

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Chusana, thank you! Human mind and computer software is a thoughtful analogy allowing to better understand the roles of darker and lighter side of us. By daring to enter all the rooms in our psyche we enable the real growth of our souls.

Bangkok is something I would like to visit one day, I am sure that it will happen some time in the future. And you are absolutely right about Vilnius, it is especially charming when the summer comes.

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You must pick the right time to visit Bangkok. We are going through some of the worst heat right now. 37 degrees celsius that feels like 42 when you're under the direct sun. I don't think I have ever remembered Thailand to be this hot.

I have to confess that I am very familiar with my own bully tendencies during my teenage years. Hence, I'm starting to see some truths that most people I've come across do exhibit these traits. A little of it pops up when they're tired, hungry or triggered.

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Amazing aesthetics and amazing post!

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Wonderfully written! Really interesting reflection!

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